Borage Plant
- Abundant starry blue flowers in summer
- Grows well in a sunny spot
- Very popular with pollinators, especially bees
- Flowers make beautiful garnish for salads and summer drinks
With its masses of sky-blue flowers in summer, annual herb Borage is a magnet for bees and other pollinators. The edible starry flowers look fantastic as garnish in salads and summer drinks, and the young leaves have a refreshing cucumber flavour.
Borage thrives in a sunny spot with well-drained soil, and will self-seed. It’s said to be a good companion plant for strawberries, improving their flavour – why not give it a try for yourself?
How you will receive your plants:
Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your plant in a pot, ready to plant out.
Can’t plant straight away?
Place in a sheltered spot and water regularly to keep the compost moist
Planting tips and hints:
Dig a hole approximately twice as deep and 3 times as wide as the plant’s rootball. If your soil is heavy mix in a soil improver before backfilling. Place the plant in the hole so that it sits at the same level in the ground as it did in the pot. Firm the soil around the plant and water thoroughly. When planting in containers, use a good multi-purpose compost.
Feeding and aftercare: Borage is an annual, so will die after flowering and setting seed. To allow self-seeding, leave the plants to set seed before pulling them up in autumn.
*Planting and flowering months below are subject to seasonal weather conditions.