Amaranthus Seeds ‘Red Aztec’
- Delicately-flavoured, deeply-coloured stems and leaves
- Quick and easy to grow
- Brighten up a whole range of dishes at any time of year with a tasty, freshly-picked garnish
Sowing Indoors
Sow evenly on compost or moist kitchen paper, in seed trays or recycled food tubs. Water carefully using a fine spray or rose and place on a warm windowsill, around 20°C.
Growing On
Keep moist, again watering carefully to avoid damaging the delicate shoots. They should be ready to start harvesting in a few days, snipping off with scissors.
Sow batches in succession to give a continuous supply. Can be grown at any time of year; they may take a few days longer in winter. 0 0 0 0