Honeysuckle Plant ‘Belgica’
- Beautiful climbing plant
- Attracts beneficial pollinators
- Great in partially shaded spots
- Fragranced flowers
- Good for mixing with other climbers, such as evergreen clematis
This ‘Copper Beauty’ honeysuckle looks fabulous with its bronze-coloured foliage that fades to green, dark stems and fragrant yellow-orange flowers.
A great choice for training over structures such as pergolas, arbours or trellis or through trees.
This climbing plant thrives in partial shade. It is semi-evergreen, which means it can lose some or all of its leaves in colder parts of the country, and may need some protection in winter. This honeysuckle will grow to around 10 metres (394 ins).
Perfect for woodland gardens.
How you will receive your plants:
Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your plant in a pot, ready to plant out.
Can’t plant straight away?
Place the pot in a sheltered spot outdoors and water regularly to keep the soil moist.
Planting in the ground:
Dig a hole slightly wider than the rootball of the plant. Place the plant in the hole so that it sits at the same level in the ground as it did in the pot. When backfilling, mix in a?soil improver?such as well-rotted farmyard manure. Firm the soil around the plant and water well.
Planting in containers:
Choose a pot with good drainage holes. Place stones or crocks (bits of broken pottery) at the bottom of the pot to stop the drainage holes clogging up. Use a good quality?compost. Feed and water container-grown plants regularly.