Sulphate of Ammonia
- Promotes green leaves
- Ideal for green leafy vegetables
- Ready to use
- Encourages strong new growth
Rapid acting nitrogen plant food promoting healthy plant growth and rich, green foliage. Can be used as a source of nitrogen where plants are nitrogen deficient and are showing signs of chlorosis (leaf yellowing).
Uses: Ideal for feeding green leafed vegetables, as well as producing luxuriant foliage on leafy shrubs and flowering plants.
Application Rate: Use at recommended rates (35g/m2).
Apply: Can be applied throughout the growing season from March through to the end of August, at 4-6 week intervals.
Caution: Do not over apply. Use recommended rates. Store in cool, dry conditions, away from children and pets. May be harmful if swallowed. Wash hands and exposed skin after use. For best results, work thoroughly into the soil.
NPK: 21:0:0