Snowdrop (Galanthus) Collection – 90 Bulbs
Turn your winter beds into a carpet of jewels from January through to spring. Our snowdrop collection includes:
30 x Galanthus ‘Flore Pleno’ – ‘Flore pleno’ is an incredibly robust and attractive genus of Galanthus. A double snowdrop, this variety produces dainty white flowers approximately 2.5cm long with lightly painted green detail at the apex of the petals.
30 x Galanthus ‘Nivalis’ – This variety ‘Galanthus nivalis’ is the common wild species of snowdrop that are commonly seen across the UK, most notably in shady forest areas.Â
30 x Galanthus ‘Elwesii’ – This Galanthus elwesii bulb is great for naturalising, producing large flowers and broad grey-green leaves. The bulb attracts bees and insects with its often honey-scented blossoms.
Grow with winter aconites or early irises for lovely multi-colour displays from winter to early spring.