Pansy Plant ‘Cool Wave Berries & Cream Mix’
- A beautiful mix of plum, purple and cream shades
- Flowers in autumn and again in spring
- Perfect for patio containers
- Vigorous, fast-growing and long-lasting
- 12 plug plants delivered to your door
This tempting mix of trailing pansies in plum, purple, lilac and cream shades looks good enough to eat, filling containers and hanging baskets with fantastic autumn colour and coming back again early in spring.
Pansy Cool Wave Berries and Cream Mix has been specially bred for vigorous growth and masses of flowers, giving you fantastic long-lasting colour. Plant it in pots together with daffodil bulbs for a display that lasts from autumn right through to spring.
How you will receive your plants:
Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your 20 autumn bedding seedlings from September to October in plug trays in a box. These are designed to keep your plants secure and to prevent damage in transit. Seedling plugs will require growing-on in larger pots.
Can’t plant straight away?
If you aren’t able to pot your plugs up straight away then ensure they stay moist. You can place your plugs on a saucer or tray of shallow water so they are able to stay hydrated. Aim to have your plugs potted on within 3 days.
Planting tips and hints:
Potting seedling plugs on: On arrival place your plug trays in shallow water to allow them to soak ensuring the rootballs are moist. Use the end of a pencil or a narrow dibber to gently tease your plugs out of their trays. Choose potting on pots approximately 3 inches in diameter to plant your plugs on. Fill the pots with quality potting on compost and tap down until level. Use your pencil to make a hole in the top of the compost and place your plug plant in, gently pushing around the base of the plant. Repeat this process for all of your plugs and then place them in a tray and thoroughly water with a watering can using a fine rose to prevent the compost from being displaced. Grow your plants in a cold-frame, large sunny windowsill, or greenhouse. Water every 2-3 days and more frequently if sunny to prevent drying out.
Hardening off: Once your potted on plants reach a good size and are ready to plant out in their final location, the first step is to harden them off before moving them outdoors permanently. This involves simply placing them outdoors during the day and back undercover at night to allow them to get accustomed to the lower temperatures. Once they have been hardened off for a week your plants should be ready to plant out in their final location.
Planting in containers: Plant approximately 8-12 plants per 30cm container. Sprinkle a layer of stone or gravel in the bottom of the container to aid drainage. Use a high-quality young plant or general-purpose compost spaced evenly with enough space to allow the plants to grow. Mix in a slow-release granular fertiliser in the compost before placing the plant to provide plenty of nutrients. Water thoroughly once planted up. Continue to water every 3-5 days and don’t allow the container to dry out.
Planting in the ground: Dig a hole approximately twice as deep and 3 times as wide as the plant, if your soil is heavy mix in general-purpose compost, horticultural sand and stone or potting grit to ensure good drainage. Gently compact the soil around the plant and water thoroughly.
Feeding and aftercare: When feeding use a liquid feed high in potash so it gets to the roots of the plant allowing them to absorb the feed.
*Planting and flowering months below are subject to seasonal weather conditions.