Buddleja Plant ‘Wisteria Lane’®
- Deciduous shrub with pendent branches
- Mauve flowers July to September
- Attracts pollinators.
- For sunny position
Buddleja, commonly known as the butterfly bush, is an easy to grow deciduous shrub for a sunny position whose long colourful sprays of flowers in late summer are attractive to pollinators. The arching branches of Buddleja davidii ‘Wisteria Lane’ mean the plump mauve flower sprays up to 50cm long hang downwards like Wisteria.
Try growing Buddleja davidii Wisteria Lane’ in a large patio pot or in a mixed border designed to attract pollinators alongside, for example, evergreen Abelia parvifolia ‘Bumblebee’. Buddleja davidii Wisteria Lane can grow to 1.5m tall and across. Cut the shrub back hard to approximately three buds in late winter to ensure vigorous re-growth each year.