Westland Cacti & Succulent Feed 200ml
- Perfect easy-to-apply liquid concentrate feed for your cacti and succulents
- Balanced formula for the healthiest of roots, shoots, flowers and fruits
- High potash content for maximum flowering
- 200ml bottle
Enjoy the rewards of growing your own cacti and succulents – New World plants that enhance work-tops, the home and even outdoors on the patio over the summer.
Treat your cacti to this high potash concentrate on every second watering in spring and summer and when you notice your cacti coming into flower. The potash promotes free-flowering and high colour intensity on every bloom.
Useful Tip:
Grow cacti and related dry plants and with some initial care they tend to look after themselves thereafter. Be sure your cacti have an ideal free-draining soil to grow in from the start full of sand and grit.
Spray mist your cacti and succulents every day in spring and summer when in active growth and treat to some fresh air. Keep indoors overnight over winter somewhere cool and place outdoors on sunny days. Repot your plants when they outgrow your pots but be sure to wear gloves.