Garlic Cloves ‘Wight’ Duo Pack
- Purple and white variety for greater range of flavours
- Grows well in the UK
- Arrives at your door ready to split and plant cloves straight away
- Perfect for storing somewhere cool and dry
- Plant in containers, planters or directly in the soil
Get handsome harvests of garlic bulbs with healthy, full-sized cloves in mid-summer by planting in autumn and letting the bulbs develop over winter. You receive two bulbs each of Garlic ‘Rose Wight’ and Garlic ‘Extra Early Wight’ to your door and they are ready to plant straight away in raised planters or directly into your soil.
We chose a purple variety and a white variety to give you the greatest range of flavour and cooking options from your home-grown garlic.
Garlic ‘Rose Wight’: (2 bulbs containing around 10 cloves in total) Garlic ‘Rose Wight’ is a beautiful, hardneck variety with a pink striped outer skin and white rounded cloves. This variety is of exceptional quality, and consistently produces a high yield of large sized bulbs with an early harvest. ‘Rose Wight’ is easy to grow and has intense flavour, making it a perfect addition to many of your favourite recipes.
Garlic ‘Extra Early Wight’:(2 bulbs containing around 10 cloves in total). Expect up to 10 big and bulbous garlics at harvest time from this reliable hard-neck variety. With rare all-white colouring it’s attractive and the taste is crisp and fresh. Bred on the Isle of Wight it’s a reliable cropper in the UK and withstands even rough winters.